Our language assistant: Ms Amelia Craik

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Hi everyone,
My name is Amelia and I was born in Epsom, Surrey and am currently in my third year of university at the university of Leeds where I study History and German.

I started studying German at school aged eleven, however I’ve seen so far how much more advanced the students’ English here is compared to my German when I was at school! At school I was able to participate on an exchange trip to Tübingen which not only helped improve my German but also encouraged me to study German at university so that I could go on a year abroad and immerse myself in German culture!

I chose the option of being a language assistant for my year abroad as I have previously been interested in maybe becoming a teacher and felt this was a great opportunity in being able to explore Germany and get an idea of what this career is like. I’ve really enjoyed my experience in Holbein so far as the staff and students are so welcoming and supportive and really engaged in lessons!

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